
University of Genoa
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche
Polo didattico dell'Albergo dei Poveri
P.le E. Brignole 3a
16125 Genova
The Conference Venue is located in the proximity of Piazza Principe Station in Genoa.
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche
The conference venue is on the outskirts of the medieval city. In order to be able to reach the conference venue quickly, it is suggested to book a hotel near the train station of Piazza Principe, or close to Piazza della Nunziata, Via Cairoli or in the area of the Old Port (Aquarium).
Booking a hotel in the city centre (Piazza De Ferrari, Via XX Settembre, Piazza Corvetto) can also be a convenient way to visit the city.
A list of suggested accommodations will be given here in the next weeks.